Totally Boyband was a television programme that aired in the United Kingdom on MTV. The programme debuted on September 18, 2006 and aired on Sunday nights. The premise centred around the former members of boy bands and pop music bands attempting to regain their former fame by regrouping into a new band called Upper Street. A single called “The One (That Got Away)” was released but spent only one week at #35 (lower than any of the members’ previous groups previous positions, with the exception of Jimmy) after entering the UK Singles Chart.
Dane Bowers of Another Level
Jimmy Constable of 911
Lee Latchford-Evans of Steps
Bradley McIntosh of S Club
Danny Wood of New Kids on the Block
The single was later recorded without the help of Latchford-Evans, who was sacked by the rest of the band before their debut release due to a disagreement. He described the bands manager in the program, Jonathan Shalit as “two-faced”. “The One (That Got Away)” was released on October 23, 2006.
Episode 1
Aired: 17 September 2006
Episode 2
Aired: 24 September 2006
Episode 3
Aired: 1 October 2006
Episode 4
Aired: 8 October 2006
Episode 5
Aired: 15 October 2006
Episode 6
Aired: 22 October 2006
Episode 7
Aired: 29 October 2006
Episode 8
Aired: 5 November 2006